Judy moody!!!
you like books that are funny, interesting, that you don’t want to stop reading
and little brothers called “Stink”? Because I do.
is a story written by Megan McDonald and illustrated by Peter Reynolds. It is a fiction book that is easy reading.
story takes place over a short period of time.
is a moody kind of girl, about 11 or 12 years old and her last name is “MOODY”. It’s not the name that makes her moody though
because not everyone in her family is moody.
is a story about friendship. Her best
friend is called Rocky he has been her friend for a long time. They have a secret place that they go to and
they have to cross two speed bumps, which they call China and Japan, to get to
their man cave which is between their houses and from there they go to Vic’s
most of the time. Vic’s has lollies and
just about anything.
also has a brother called ‘Stink” and he is sometimes annoying.
Judy gets a school project called “me collage”
and works hard at this because she wants to fit in at school.
surprise at the end is when she didn't get all mad at Stink when he spilled his
drink on her “me collage” project. There
was a big red juice stain in the middle of it shaped like a triangle, what she
did was she rolled it up and made it stand out and said it was the block that she
lives on.
good things about this book are that it is not too long, but not too short, if
you know what I mean.
makes you want to keep reading it.
is funny, it is moody, it is interesting and has a happy ending which is why I
enjoyed it so much.
By Tess.
This book sounds very humuorous.