St Joseph's Oamaru

St Joseph's Oamaru

Where are our visitors?

Geo Visitors Map

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Our year 7s mapped out our learning environment as it stands now.  They looked at all the things they need to do when they're learning and decided how we could use our space to meet these needs.  These maps are on paper and annotated with Thinglink.

Tannah's version of our learning environment

Tim and Saluni's version of our learning environment :

Makeisha and Alyssa's version Maria's version Aarran's version

Monday, 8 December 2014

Our Learning Environment modeled in Minecraft

Our year 7s mapped out our learning environment as it stands now.  They looked at all the things they need to do when they're learning and decided how we could use our space to meet these needs.  The environment is modeled using Minecraft.

Zach, Maddison, Nina, Ardan, Tess, Siva:

Ben, Jordan, Abigail, Joel, Tyler:

Laura, Daniel Mannix, Charlie:

Our Learning Environment made by Niveek and Utu

Saturday, 8 November 2014

A Machine For Learning - Part 2

The next step in our "Machine or Learning" inquiry (see Machine for Learning, previous post) was to map what we already have.  In term 3 children mapped our intermediate department and although it was very good, it didn't look quite right because it wasn't to scale.  This term the children measured our spaces accurately and decided on a scale so that they could model the space.  Fifteen children chose to work in three groups sharing Minecraft worlds to model the building.  The remaining children looked at other 3D modelling tools and in the end they have drawn a 2D paper plan.

The next step will be to make recommendations for how our space can be improved for the type of learning the children have already identified.

A Machine For Learning

(thanks to Mark Osbourne for sharing the term: Machine for Learning, and the link he made to le Coubousier, which we’ve used in our inquiry - environments for learning)         
St Joseph’s Year 7 students consider what their learning is actually like and what ideal spaces for this could be like - this is a brainstorm from the whole class in a shared Google doc (it is not crafted writing).     

concentrate and communicate with others
listen and discuss your ideas with the people
being on task and giving 100% and not giving up
sitting down somewhere and listening to each others ideas
we learn from our mistakes
we debate and share our ideas we take notes and learn from what others have learnt as well
put your heads together and discuss ideas with each other.
we think that its import to participate  and contribute ideas even if its wrong
we share our ideas, discuss our options and our needs and also relate to others, listen, focus, look, think, come up with new ideas,   
we like to talk and  listen to each other….and be good friends
think, discuss, sing, we argue, we work with others, we get things wrong, we get to try new things.
get confused but work it out
understand others.
we talk to others and ask for advice for good ideas to make our work even better
we help with problems and answer things
we talk together and help each other to get the job done
we get to choose our working space.
we discuss our ideas.
share our ideas.
we get  to  debate
we work quietly
we learn from our mistakes
we concentrate

We use MINECRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to try to answer a problem.

talking sometimes helps if it is on task!
say what we want to

we help people that need help at the moment when they are  stuck

enjoy and get new knowledge
do acting, have debates, songs, learn new things and new instruments or activities

make sure that everyone is joining in the convo and that people are included in it.
Also to encourage others to give 100% and to not give up.
Learn to accept a mistake, Good attitude

listen, discuss, read, write, search, explore, trial and error, make new options, design new things, brainstorm, invent, create, concentrate, play games, field trips, writing
we can read, write, do pe ,E.O.T.C, camps, maths,search, new things, discuss between  us, brainstorm, make mistakes and try again and again,
listen, stay on task, do field trips

watching other people  
learning new ideas and facts.
writing songs
silence and concentration, watching and learning from mistakes learning from elders...
singing-writing songs debates

performances , plays , silent working or dramas
different types of formal writing
arts and stuff,

crafting your imagination stories and making it better.

try over again, learn from others, songs and  performances, being silent              
we think create, communicate, share, learn

We can make everyone happy to learn
sitting facing each other at the same level (communicating)

peaceful and secure, fancy, computers,

taking turns talking

have our own little bubble to work in

we work together as a team and sensibly share our ideas

man’s cave and a girl hangout room for year 7s and 8s

change resource room into music room for intermediate department

gym for senior school

whole school computer room to work in quietly

having your own office or bubble to stay in but still communicate with each other
or talking . having a quiet space for yourself or others’ private spaces

have a musical room where people can sing and learn instruments.
a game room-a man cave for boys and a girl’s room.
dancing room where their dancing can express their feelings.
sports room where people can have fun and play with other people

we could have a couple of cubicles
we could use so that we could have our own space and we could work quietly.

we could split a room into a couple of spaces that are soundproof and will not bother anyone else!

we work as a  team       

you get more action and ideas
and information.You have more fun talking to your your friends.

in a place where you can concentrate.

Its interesting - you write a lot about collaborative learning how we can learn from each other and through discussion.  At the same time you say that its important to have your own space where you can be quiet.  You show this because when we have a lot of space upstairs, you spread out and fill it all and you still stay on task and do all the things you wrote in column 1.

When you make your recommendations for what we can do with our spaces, please think about how we can use what we have to make all these things happen.  LFR

What different learning styles are there?

watching other people  
learning new ideas and facts.
writing songs
silence and concentration, watching and learning from mistakes learning from elders...
singing-writing songs debates

performances , plays , silent working or dramas
different types of formal writing
arts and stuff,

crafting your imagination stories and making it better.

try over again, learn from others, songs and  performances, being silent              
we think create,communicate,share,learn

We can make everyone happy to learn

We stay on task and brainstorm as many ideas we can think of. We also participate and contribute many ideas. We do the learning properly we listen so we know what to do. When we don't understand we ask the teacher for help

Friday, 24 October 2014

How to calculate the probability of a dependent event

How to calculate the probability of an independent event

On the very last slide I mean to say 8x8=64, not 6x6=64 :)

How to Multiply Fractions

Camp Equipment List

Equipment List

Strong bag for gear
Day pack (school back pack would be sufficient)
2-3 pairs shorts
2 warm track pants or similar (no jeans)
2-3 t shirts
2 long sleeved tops
Thermal leggings and top (could be cold on tent sleep out) – WILL ALSO NEED FOR YEAR 8 CAMP
3 pairs warm socks
Sufficient changes of underwear
2 warm fleeces or jerseys
Waterproof jacket
Swimming togs

Strong shoes for walking – trainers will do
River shoes or light footwear with a good grip (no gumboots)
Trainers  or sandals for wearing around camp

Wash bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, face cloth, brush, comb etc as required.

Warm sleeping bag
2 towels
1 tea towel
1 unbreakable plate, dish, cup
1 knife, fork, spoon
Water bottle

One unnamed ice cream container containing baking to share.

Wetsuit – PLEASE LET ME KNOW if you don’t have a wetsuit or if you have an extra wetsuit you could lend to someone else.

Please note there are to be no cellphones at camp.  Ipods and cameras may be brought.  Ipods will be kept by the teacher overnight.

Lollies or personal food supplies are not to be brought.  If you have special food your child needs please discuss with me prior to camp.

Some items are doubled up such as towels and warm tops in case one becomes wet and temporarily unusable. 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Our Father

Manuka share their dramatisations of the seven petitions in the Our Father

Monday, 15 September 2014

Otago Museum Trip

Our year 7 & 8 trip to the Otago Museum gave us some ideas for our own projects.  We learnt about the Pacific explorers, and the many cultures which have settled here and contributed to the unique Kiwi culture as well as having the chance to explore the Discovery Zone and the Tropical Rainforest.  Have a look at our beautiful butterfly pictures.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

No War for Us (or anyone else)

No War for Us (or anyone else) - a song composed by Utu, Laura and Siva. Manuka have researched, prepared and argued debates on the proposal: "There could be another holocaust." They have also composed peace songs for Schools Peace Week. These movies and songs will appear on the blog gradually (they take a long time to process).  We in Manuka hope and pray for an end to the violence in Israel and Palestine.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Peace Week

This week is Peace Week.  Read what Timothy has to say about war.  There are lots more interesting reflections on children's individual blogs.

By Timothy from Ruma Manuka

I think war is stupid.  Why can’t we just have peace and no exclusion or racism?  I think war should be banned.

Peace in the world has never lasted for a long time.  I think peace should be when everything is fair, not having some people with more than other people.  Peace in the world would be good for everyone.

Fear is like a disease.  It spreads.  I think fear has started a lot of wars.  For example, with the Suez Canal, the Americans were scared of their oil supply being cut off.  Fear can lead to violence.  Fear can lead to death and destruction.  Fear can lead to stupid actions, like torture.  But fear can also be a tool.  When people are scared, they obey.

Some people think that religion causes wars.  Most times people are just blaming religion to hide what was the real cause of the war.  One thing religious does cause, is arguments.  People argue about who is the real God.  This might cause a small fight but nothing major like World War 1 or World War 2.

Why did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour, causing America to participate in the rest of the second World War?  Why do some armies invade other countries over the smallest of offensives?  Why don’t we just have one king that rules over all the countries, and the leaders in each separate country? 

Why don’t people just ban war?

I really think war is stupid.  I don’t know why all the leaders of all the countries haven’t gotten together to ban war completely.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

How to help with learning at home

These ideas are low maintenance things your child can practice independently.  The writing a sentence exercise could be done a couple of times a week.

A set time for reading each day.  The reader can read what they like but ask them to summarise it for you.

Do the class support task on Maths Buddy (will be given on Tuesday of week 3).  There will be a new task each week.  Once the task is complete, own-choice activities can be completed.


Pick three words at random.  I have an ipad app called InspireMe for this but you could do it from the dictionary or your head.  Make sure the writer understands what the words mean.  Then the writer writes a sentence including these words.  Check that the sentence sounds right and has basic correct punctuation e.g. capital letter at the beginning and full stop at the end.  The writer should fix anything that isn't correct.

Check that all spelling is correct - children should pick out the words they think might be wrong - they should try a variety of strategies:
Sound - how many syllables?  Clap the syllables.  Sound out each syllable individually.  Many children speak sounds in words that aren't actually there - help them to notice by saying the word yourself the way it should be said, slowly.  Then look for any rules or similarities with other words they know.  For instance competition ends with the tion sound which might be known from words like station.  The last resort is a dictionary or spell check.

Friday, 1 August 2014

How the disciples continued Jesus' teaching

We have been reading segments of the Acts of the Apostles.  Previously we have read several passages from the Gospels and analysed some of the ways Jesus taught and how the apostles learnt from Him in the three years He was with him.  These dramatisations were made by the children so they could teach the rest of the class about the story they had read.  They are improvised  and not meant to be examples of polished dramatic performance.
They show how the disciples (Peter and Paul) were able to perform miracles in the name of Jesus and how this inspired people to follow Jesus.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

List of Recommended Books

Thank you Timothy for this list of recommended books

List of recommended books:
5 and up:
Narni of the desert (antelope series)
The Twits, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, etc       Roald Dahl
When we were very young                                          A A Milne
Winnie the pooh                                                          A A Milne
Milly Molly Mandy                                                                        
The Little Match Girl, etc                                             Hans Christian Anderson
The Brier Rabbit series                                                Enid Blyton
The Faraway tree series                                               Enid Blyton
The Little House on the prairie series                           Laura Wilder
Lion adventure                                                            Williard Price
The famous five series                                                Enid Blyton
The Secret seven series                                               Enid Blyton
The twins at St Clares series                                        Enid Blyton
How to train a dragon series
Black Beauty                                                               Anna Sewell
101 Dalmations
What Katy did series                                                   Susan Collidge
The Railway children                                                  E Nesbit
A little princess
The secret garden
Redwall series                                                             Brian Jacques
Robin Hood
Anne of Green Gables series                                       Montgomery
The Chronicles of Narnia                                            C S Lewis
Kensuke’s Kingdom           (and other titles)               Michael Morpurgo
The Hobbit                                                                  JRR Tolkien
Star Wars
Harry Potter series                                                       J K Rowling
Percy Jackson series                                                    Rick Riordan
Footrot Flats
Rangers apprentice series
Nany piggins                                                               R.A Spratt
The magic tree house series
The 13 story tree house                                               Terry Denton
My story series
My royal story series
My New Zealand story
Bear grylls mission survival series
Boy vs beast series
Zac power series
Amulet series
The secrets of Droon series                                         Tony Abott
The magic school bus series

10 years and over:
The silver sword
A series of unfortunate events                                     Lemony Snicket
I am David                                                                  Anne Holm
The diary of Anne Frank
The Heaven Shop   (12+)                                            Deborah Ellis
The Parvarnaseries  (12+)                                           Deborah Ellis
Pennies for Hitler
Hitler’s Daughter
The boy in stripped pyjamas
The Lord of the Rings                                                 JRR Tolkien
White fox                                                                    Gary Paulsen
Hatchet series                                                              Gary Paulsen
Fox man                                                                     Gary Paulsen
Soul surfer                                                                  Bethany Hamilton
Eragon series
Children of the lamp series
The house of secrets series
Skulldugery pleasant series
Robin hood
Treasure island etc.
Wereworld rise of the wolf
Little Women                                                                      
The borrowers
The Kane Chronicles                                                  Rick Riordan
Heroes of Olympus                                                     Rick Riordan
Crusade                                                                      Elizabeth Laird
I am the great Horse                                                    Katherine Roberts
The Tapestry series                                                     Henry H Neff
The Belgariad series                                                    David Eddings
The Malloreon series                                                  David Eddings
The Elenium series                                                     David Eddings
Around the world in Eighty days                                Jules Verne
Sherlock Holmes series                                              Arthur Conan Doyle
The ring of five series                                                 Eoin McNamee                                  

13yrs and over
The Serpentwar saga                                                 Raymond E Feist    
Conclave of Shadows                                               Raymond E Feist    
The Hunger Games                                                   Suzanne Collins

The maze runner, The scorch trials, The death cure  James Dashner

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Deep Learning for the Book Reviews

This is the rubric which will guide deep learning for the book reviews due at the end of week 3.  To get to extended abstract thinking there will need to be a good understanding of the plot, the inference in the book and how the book relates to the wider world.  You will need to have done some creative thinking to link these things together and use your logic to imagine what the writer was hoping people would get from the story.

It is a very rare story that is written just for people to have fun.  Even Captain Underpants was about Dav Pilkey's own experience of being a child who loved to write comic books but couldn't fit in with the school environment of the time and how he loved playing with words but didn't always get it right. His message is there's more than one way to do things and some people who look like they don't fit in or can't get things right, may in fact be very creative people with something different to offer.  So he felt the education he experienced should have been more flexible and inclusive - that's the message I get from Dav Pilkey in Captain Underpants.