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Tuesday, 19 August 2014

No War for Us (or anyone else)

No War for Us (or anyone else) - a song composed by Utu, Laura and Siva. Manuka have researched, prepared and argued debates on the proposal: "There could be another holocaust." They have also composed peace songs for Schools Peace Week. These movies and songs will appear on the blog gradually (they take a long time to process).  We in Manuka hope and pray for an end to the violence in Israel and Palestine.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Peace Week

This week is Peace Week.  Read what Timothy has to say about war.  There are lots more interesting reflections on children's individual blogs.

By Timothy from Ruma Manuka

I think war is stupid.  Why can’t we just have peace and no exclusion or racism?  I think war should be banned.

Peace in the world has never lasted for a long time.  I think peace should be when everything is fair, not having some people with more than other people.  Peace in the world would be good for everyone.

Fear is like a disease.  It spreads.  I think fear has started a lot of wars.  For example, with the Suez Canal, the Americans were scared of their oil supply being cut off.  Fear can lead to violence.  Fear can lead to death and destruction.  Fear can lead to stupid actions, like torture.  But fear can also be a tool.  When people are scared, they obey.

Some people think that religion causes wars.  Most times people are just blaming religion to hide what was the real cause of the war.  One thing religious does cause, is arguments.  People argue about who is the real God.  This might cause a small fight but nothing major like World War 1 or World War 2.

Why did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour, causing America to participate in the rest of the second World War?  Why do some armies invade other countries over the smallest of offensives?  Why don’t we just have one king that rules over all the countries, and the leaders in each separate country? 

Why don’t people just ban war?

I really think war is stupid.  I don’t know why all the leaders of all the countries haven’t gotten together to ban war completely.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

How to help with learning at home

These ideas are low maintenance things your child can practice independently.  The writing a sentence exercise could be done a couple of times a week.

A set time for reading each day.  The reader can read what they like but ask them to summarise it for you.

Do the class support task on Maths Buddy (will be given on Tuesday of week 3).  There will be a new task each week.  Once the task is complete, own-choice activities can be completed.


Pick three words at random.  I have an ipad app called InspireMe for this but you could do it from the dictionary or your head.  Make sure the writer understands what the words mean.  Then the writer writes a sentence including these words.  Check that the sentence sounds right and has basic correct punctuation e.g. capital letter at the beginning and full stop at the end.  The writer should fix anything that isn't correct.

Check that all spelling is correct - children should pick out the words they think might be wrong - they should try a variety of strategies:
Sound - how many syllables?  Clap the syllables.  Sound out each syllable individually.  Many children speak sounds in words that aren't actually there - help them to notice by saying the word yourself the way it should be said, slowly.  Then look for any rules or similarities with other words they know.  For instance competition ends with the tion sound which might be known from words like station.  The last resort is a dictionary or spell check.

Friday, 1 August 2014

How the disciples continued Jesus' teaching

We have been reading segments of the Acts of the Apostles.  Previously we have read several passages from the Gospels and analysed some of the ways Jesus taught and how the apostles learnt from Him in the three years He was with him.  These dramatisations were made by the children so they could teach the rest of the class about the story they had read.  They are improvised  and not meant to be examples of polished dramatic performance.
They show how the disciples (Peter and Paul) were able to perform miracles in the name of Jesus and how this inspired people to follow Jesus.